When we think of depression and what that looks like, I visualize someone who is sad, just not
feeling good, no motivation and “down in the dumps” all the time. Well, let me tell you, that is
far from the truth. After being in practice for over 20 years, I have diagnosed and treated a lot
of depressed patients. Most present with the main symptom being fatigue. On the outside,
you do not see it. It is not until you really get to know somebody, ask the proper questions
during the history, to determine if they have depression.

Even now, after all this time, I continue to be shocked. I would describe myself as an “off the
charts extrovert”. Very outgoing, social, I enjoy being around people. The last thing you would
think is that I was depressed. I certainly don’t feel depressed!

As part of my practice, I do neurotransmitter testing on my patients. Before I do anything with
my patients, I run it on myself. Both my husband and I completed the test together. Based on
the results, we were going to treat ourselves just like I would treat my patients. After a couple
of weeks, the results were returned and it was eye opening.

Serotonin is the “feel good” hormone. It is also what wakes us up in the morning. Serotonin is
only one of many hormones which I tested on myself. My serotonin level as almost non-
existent. I was SHOCKED yet I believed the results and started the indicated protocol for
myself. After about a week, I found myself waking up naturally about 90 minutes earlier, I had
more energy during the day and more clarity.

Could it be that I was depressed and did not know it?? Low serotonin levels are associated with
symptoms of depression and a generalized feeling of being “low” whereas high levels are
associated with happiness and more energy.

Moving forward, I am going to continue to use this test on most of my patients as my results
were eye-opening. Will they be for you too?